
DrumPower Prevention of violence and social integration with music


Die Anmeldephase für diesen Kurs ist bereits vorbei
Kursnummer 2024FF503
Dozent:innen Andreas Wölfl
Yoshihisa Kinoshita
Sven Heidenstecker
Cornelia Helm
Dominic Pavelt
erster Termin Mittwoch, 22.05.2024 18:30–21:30 Uhr
letzter Termin Sonntag, 26.01.2025 09:00–16:30 Uhr
Gebühr 1.070,00 EUR

Ismaninger Straße 29
81675 München


Kurs weiterempfehlen

Supplementary qualification for music therapists from DMtG approved training courses and teachers

Prevention of violence and social integration with music

This advanced qualification for music therapists and teachers will present fundamentals of the DrumPower project, a scientifically developed method for projects with children and youth to prevent violence and promote social inclusion and self-esteem by musical and scenic improvisation. The semi-structured program, called DrumPower, was evaluated in several scientific studies since 2009 and has been revised and differentiated according to the studies’ results. It is fully elaborated for the application in schools of different levels, whereas modified forms for the work with refugees and in clinical contexts are under development.

The different elements of the concept will be explained theoretically and taught practically in exercises. In particular, musical and music therapeutical techniques to promote self-esteem, empathy, social inclusion and constructive conflict solving skills are the core themes of the program.
On this foundation, the projects facilitate to deal – in a creative, musical and improvisatory way – with the issues of aggression and violence, and to develop own concepts of how to manage conflicts and violent situations. The projects end in a workshop performance, giving the participating students an opportunity to present some results of their project work.

The advanced qualification will provide the structure and working methods of the DrumPower project for the application in different types of schools. By means of self-experience you will be shown how to guide and instruct a project as well as how to present different models of constructive and social-related conflict resolution. Furthermore, you will gain insights into how to deal with lack of motivation and resistance. Finally, we will focus on the transfer and effective implementation of such models in the daily lives of children and adolescents.

Basic seminar (in Munich)
The basic seminar introduces principles of violence prevention through music and the DrumPower project method. Following the structure of the project, the central methodical procedures of drum improvisation, sound perception, voice work and music therapeutic role play are presented and exemplified in exercises. Important aspects for the integration of the project work in the context of the school and for the transfer of the project results are discussed.

Advanced seminar (online)
The advanced DrumPower qualification following the basic seminar qualifies the participants to plan and implement the project method themselves. The training course conveys methodical procedures for the preparation, implementation and transfer of project results. It is designed in the sense of a learning system and requires the participants to actively participate in the learning process, to implement the project method in practice as well as self-organised development and presentation and the written elaboration of individual specialisation topics in small groups.
To make it easier for the participants from far away, this international advanced training course is designed as an online seminar over two weekends (4 days). It combines input lectures with discussion groups and practical tasks.

This course is taught in english.

>> all information about DrumPower

Besondere Hinweise

  • Supplementary qualification for music therapists from DMtG approved training courses and teachers
  • This course has a basic and an advanced seminar. The basic one is taught in presence in Munich while the advanced seminar will be taught online.
  • A detailed curriculum can be obtained from the office.

Andreas Wölfl Dozent

Diplom-Musiktherapeut (FH), Lehrmusiktherapeut (DMtG), Supervisor (DGSv), Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapeut. Seit 1989 Musiktherapeut in der Kinder-...

Yoshihisa Kinoshita Dozent

Leiter des Wolfratshauser Kinderchores, Dozent für Kinderchorleitung an der Hochschule für Musik und Theater München. Seit 2008 Musiktherapeut M.A.. Seine...

Sven Heidenstecker Musiktherapeut (qualifiziert), Stand 03.07.2020 SS

Dominic Pavelt Dozent

Schlagzeuger und elementarer Musikpädagoge (BA. Mus.), berufsbegleitende Ausbildung zum Musiktherapeuten, sowie Weiterbildung zum Trainer in TrommelPower...


Dieser Kurs läuft bereits. Vergangene Termine einblenden.

vergangene Termine

# Datum Ort
1. Mi., 22.05.2024 18:30–21:30 Uhr Saal
2. Do., 23.05.2024 09:00–18:00 Uhr Saal
3. Fr., 24.05.2024 09:00–18:00 Uhr Saal
4. Sa., 25.05.2024 09:00–18:00 Uhr Saal
5. So., 26.05.2024 09:00–14:00 Uhr Saal

anstehende Termine

# Datum Ort
6. Sa., 12.10.2024 09:00–19:00 Uhr
7. So., 13.10.2024 09:00–16:30 Uhr
8. Sa., 25.01.2025 09:00–19:00 Uhr
9. So., 26.01.2025 09:00–16:30 Uhr

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